One day, a school teacher assigned the second graders who were about to have a weekend holiday to tell a story about their vacation. Then, on Monday each student was asked to talk about their story after they returned. After everyone finished telling their stories, then it was Bayu’s turn to come forward to the class. Bayu is well known for being a student who is fond of telling stories enthusiastically, exuberantly and with his utmost energy.

Teacher            : “Bayu, what did you do duringthe vacation last weekend?”
Bayu                : “I went fishing with my grandpa”.

Teacher            : “Oh that is wonderful. Did you catch any fish?”
Bayu                : “Certainly, we got lots of big fish”.
Teacher            : “Really, how many and how big?”
Bayu                :”We got 30 fish, all of them weighed 25 kilos”.
Teacher            :”(starled in disbelief, the teacher raised another question. This time she raised her voice while sneering),”Bayu, I want you to tell us the truth. Don’t exaggerate things..! How many fish did you manage to catch?”
Bayu                :”It’s true ma’am. 30 fish weighing 25 kilograms. Why cant you believe me?”
Teacher            :”Bayu…Bayu. Your story is as ridiculous as my following story. ‘Bayu, listen up: this morning when I was on my way to the school, a big polar bear came up to me and wanted to pounceon me. I was so terrified that it made me stand still and dumbfounded but suddenly a small cat showed up and jumped over the bear, and bit it and paws it until it ran away.’… do you believe such a story?”
Bayu                :(Bayu just keep silent for a moment, think carefully, then he enthusiastically shouted…) “Of course Madam! It must be my cat… Pussy!”

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Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
i m just an ordinary girl. sometimes i'm lazy, i get bored, i get scared, i feel ignored, i get happy, i get silly. that's all
